- name. (YEAR PURCHASED) - More information about the domain
- 2560fathoms.com (2022) - Redirects to lsd36.com
- eventtactics.us (2023) - *a meeting planner business?
- leftcoastatm.com (2009) – I provided fixed location and special event ATM services. Ceritified Triton ATM technician.
- lsd36.com (2010) – Created to memorialize my ship, the USS Anchorage (LSD 36), which was my home from May 1976 to January 1978. Website contains ship’s history, archives with various forms of media, reunion information, and contact information. LSD36.COM is now a registered business with the City of San Diego.
- lsd36.org (2022) - Redirects to lsd36.com
- macfreight.us (2015) – Redirects to veteranfreight.com
- masterofthisdomain.com (2020) – Redirects to michaelpmcgrath.com *might have been my very first domain name; originally purchased in the early 1990’s after watching the Seinfeld episode entitled ‘The Contest’ (Season 4, Episode 11), gave it up for 10+ years, and just recently reacquired.
- michaelpmcgrath.com (2004)
- navyveteran.us (2023) - Redirects to michaelpmcgrath.com
- postseason.com (1998) – Obtained in 1998 when the San Diego Padres finished with 98 wins and 64 losses while becoming National League Champions. Unfortunately, we were swept by the New York Yankees in the World Series. Big changes for this site coming soon.
- psares.com (2004) – Created to memorialize a famous San Diego based airline which was in service from 1949 to 1988. I was lucky enough to work for Pacific Southwest Airlines, better known as PSA, from 1981 to 1987 in the REServations department. Even after 35+ years, close to 100 employees still attend our annual reunions.
- store.navy (2024) - *will be an e-commerce website for navy ship associations.
- veteranfreight.com (2010) – I was a licensed freight forwarder certified with the State of California and Federal Government as a disabled veteran owned small business.
- veteranowned.us (2023) - LSD36.COM is a registered business with the City of San Diego and my 1993 State of California DVBE (Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise) and Small Business/Micro certifications have been updated to reflect this.
Previously owned: alifeofimages.com, aplaceforyourempties.com, gotatm.com, lsd.navy, michael.san-diego.ca.us, michael.baltimore.md.us, michael.reno.nv.us, needhelpwith.events, peoplesatm.com, postseason.info, spacefob.com, specialeventatm.com, theledge.website, ussanchoragereunion.com, veteranowned.click, veteranowned.link, wetransportanything.com, zip91935.com, and .....